Hybrid Bikes for Every Purpose: Comfort, City, Fitness, Touring!

Hybrid Bikes for Every Purpose: Comfort, City, Fitness, Touring!

#hybridbikeaccessoriesYassmina EL FARISSI
Hybrid bikes are a type of bicycle that combine elements of road bikes, mountain bikes, and touring bikes to create a versatile and efficient ride...
Hybrid Bikes for Every Purpose: Comfort, City, Fitness, Touring!

Hybrid Bikes for Every Purpose: Comfort, City, Fitness, Touring!

#hybridbikeaccessoriesYassmina EL FARISSI
Hybrid bikes are a type of bicycle that combine elements of road bikes, mountain bikes, and touring bikes to create a versatile and efficient ride...
What is the stem on a bike? How do I know what size stem I need?

What is the stem on a bike? How do I know what size stem I need?

#adjustablestemAyoub Rhejjou
The stem on a bike is the component that connects the handlebars to the steerer tube of the fork. It is an important part of the bike's steering...
Do bike headsets wear out? What is the difference between threaded and threadless bike headset?

Do bike headsets wear out? What is the difference between threaded and threadless bike headset?

#BikeAccessoriesAyoub Rhejjou
Bike headsets, like any other component on a bike, will wear out over time. The amount of wear and tear that a headset experiences will depend o...
What is a headset on a bike? How do I choose a bike headset?

What is a headset on a bike? How do I choose a bike headset?

#BikeAccessoriesAyoub Rhejjou
A headset on a bike is a set of bearings that allow the fork and handlebar assembly to rotate smoothly. The headset is located at the top of the...
Do all chainrings fit all cranks? How do I know what size crankset to buy?

Do all chainrings fit all cranks? How do I know what size crankset to buy?

#BicycleGearsAyoub Rhejjou
When it comes to chainrings and cranksets, the answer to whether all chainrings fit all cranks is no. Chainrings and cranksets come in different...
Is chainring and crankset the same? What is a chainring crank?

Is chainring and crankset the same? What is a chainring crank?

#BicycleGearsAyoub Rhejjou
A chainring and crankset are not the same thing, but they are closely related components of a bike's drivetrain. A crankset is the collection of...
Do all derailleurs fit all bikes? What is the point of a derailleur?

Do all derailleurs fit all bikes? What is the point of a derailleur?

#bicyclecomponentsAyoub Rhejjou
When it comes to derailleurs, the answer to whether they fit all bikes is no. Derailleurs come in different sizes, types, and designs and it's i...